

此信息旨在帮助有兴趣通过采购和合同办公室与基督教社会联盟DH开展业务的供应商和承包商. To learn more about 基督教社会联盟DH, please visit our website at http://2eu5.vig2.net.


感谢您有兴趣成为加州州立大学的潜在供应商, Dominguez山. 


基督教社会联盟DH利用Cal eprocurement门户网站(http://caleprocure.ca.Administration), 基督教社会联盟BUY 公布正式投标机会.

有兴趣接收投标通知的供应商应访问Cal eprocurement门户网站并点击“登录/注册”。. Click on “Register as a Sourcing Bidder” and complete the registration steps. If you receive an error message regarding a duplicate TIN, contact FI$Cal Portal Support at (855) 421-6355 或电子邮件 vendors@fiscal.ca.政府. 要查看当前基督教社会联盟DH投标列表,请选择菜单栏中的“快速链接”,然后单击“查看/搜索投标”。. In the California State 合同 Register 搜索 page, enter 6690 in the Department field and then click the 搜索 button.

基督教社会联盟BUY is an integrated Source-to-Contract solution for the 基督教社会联盟 built on the Jaggaer platform. The 基督教社会联盟 Public Bid Portal provides a listing of open, 关闭, 并在基督教社会联盟的23个校区和基督教社会联盟校长办公室授予正式的商品和服务征集(自2020年10月19日起). 为了在基督教社会联盟BUY上提交对公开征集的回应,您的企业必须在基督教社会联盟注册. To register for a new account or to access your existing account please click 在这里. 注册是不收费的. For unresolved issues with your registration you may contact csubuy@calstate.edu. For 基督教社会联盟DH solicitations select the dropdown under Campus and select “基督教社会联盟 Dominguez山”.

采购团队将审阅您的信息,如果对您提供的商品或服务感兴趣或有需求,将与您联系. 提前填写供应商简介信息将有助于我们确定合格的潜在供应商,我们可能会联系您参加未来的基督教社会联盟DH活动. No additional action is required on your part.

If you have questions and would like to reach our office please call 310-243-3799 或电子邮件 procurement@vig2.net.

We look forward to your participation in sourcing events!

基督教社会联盟 一般规定 and 保险 Requirements


基督教社会联盟 一般规定 for Acquisition of Goods

基督教社会联盟 一般规定 for Service Acquisitions

基督教社会联盟 一般规定 for Information Technology Acquisitions

基督教社会联盟 一般规定 for Maintenance Tasks (Facilities Maintenance)


在校园工作的供应商需要提供商业一般责任证明, auto and worker’s compensation insurance with endorsements naming California State University, 多明格斯山额外投保. Professional services and consulting services such as engineering, architectural etc. must provide proof of professional liability insurance. 所有的保险证明和背书必须在校园开始工作之前存档.



目前所有合同的目标是(3%)伤残退伍军人业务(DVBE)的参与率. 对于一套完整的DVBE要求见部分伤残退伍军人业务(DVBE)企业在 卡尔eProcure.


加利福尼亚州要求代理机构为申请人或符合加州认证小企业或非小企业资格的申请人提供5%(5%)的优先权,并将合同价值的25%承诺给加州认证小企业. 要符合资格, the small businesses must be certified by The Office of 小型企业 and DVBE Services. 本法的规章制度, including the definition of a small business for the delivery of services, 都包含在标题2中吗, 加州政府法规, 第14838节, 节. and Title 2, California Administrative Code, Section 1896, 节. Copies of the codes and regulations are available online or upon request.

如申请小型企业优惠, 请填写申请人声明书,并在投标项目时注明小型企业的总参与人数.

供应商资料记录表格 (Required for Payment)

基督教社会联盟DH将需要 204供应商数据记录表 在付款之前.

提交表格须知( 电子邮件)

  1. 将PDF格式保存到您的计算机
  2. 填写表格并签字
  3. 再次保存
  4. 上传完成 & signed form to the link provided on the form.

注意: Federal Form W-9 CANNOT be substituted in lieu of the Vendor Data Record.


国家法规和基督教社会联盟政策要求购买商品和/或服务必须由适当的授权机构批准, which is the 采购s and 合同 department at 基督教社会联盟DH. 未经书面授权或未经授权的采购订单或合同的货物和/或服务采购被视为“未经授权的采购”.” 

采购和合同办公室是唯一有权签发货物和/或服务采购订单的办公室. 供应商必须确保在提供货物和/或服务之前收到完全执行的采购订单. 任何直接向供应商下的订单,如果它们是在授权的采购方法(采购申请单)之外下的,则不构成大学的有效义务, 采购卡, 及直接支付).



供应商 and Contractors COVID-19 Guidelines

Guidelines for 供应商 and Contractors During the COVID-19 Pandemic


我们学生的健康和安全, 工作人员, faculty as well as their families are of the utmost importance to 基督教社会联盟DH. 根据联邦法律, 州和地方指导, the university has taken steps to reduce the number of people on campus and as such, 供应商和承包商在校园交付货物和执行工作应遵守以下准则:

  1. 所有在校园或其他大学物业工作的供应商和承包商必须遵守加州劳资关系部门(Cal/OSHA) COVID-19 紧急临时 标准. 供应商 and contractors must also comply with 685号议会法案 amendment’s to the California Labor Code Section’s 6325, 6 and 6432 by the effective dates indicated t在这里in. 另外, 供应商和承包商必须遵守目前洛杉矶县公共卫生部门正规澳门平台十大赌博面罩的命令.
  2. 所有供应商和承包商都应遵守现行洛杉矶县公共卫生安全部门制定的准则, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), http: //ww疾病预防控制中心.政府 /冠状病毒/ 2019 - ncov /索引.超文本标记语言, as updated, to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19.


  1. 100% 面罩要求 in effect for classrooms and 健康 Care Center location, all workers regardless of
    vaccination status or screening methods in place. Ensure all vendor and contractor employees wear proper PPE AT ALL TIMES
    在这些领域工作时. Effective January 17, 2022, county public health orders require employers to provide
    and require employees to wear a well-fitting medical grade mask, 医用外科口罩, 或更高级别的呼吸器,如N95
    filtering facepiece respirator or KN95, at all times. Cloth type face coverings will not be allowed. 基督教社会联盟DH将要求遵守
    with these health orders while working on any campus worksite. (Cal/OSHA) COVID-19 紧急临时 标准 have
    最近转向与加州公共卫生部(CDPH)保持一致的掩盖政策, 请浏览本局网页
    最新指引 在这里.
  2. 在校园工作的供应商应遵守以下疾病预防控制中心对个人卫生的建议, 包括以下内容:
    1. 经常用肥皂和水洗手至少20年。如果没有肥皂和水,使用酒精含量至少为60%的洗手液.
    2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed
    3. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw it in the trash.
    4. 使用常规家用清洁喷雾或消毒剂清洁和消毒经常接触的物体和表面
    5. Stay home if you are sick and avoid contact with others as much as
  3. 供应商只有在获得采购和合同办公室明确批准或授权的情况下才能开展工作
  4. 供应商应确保在到达现场执行之前收到一份完整执行的协议
  5. Vendor and contractors authorized to perform work at 基督教社会联盟DH, and that require access to campus facilities, shall work with the Project Manager or designated contact, 如合同所述, to coordinate work and obtain access to facilities. If the designated 基督教社会联盟DH contact is unable to provide access to the vendor or contractor, the campus 工作人员 should contact work control Monday through Friday, 上午8点至下午5点,电话:310-243-3587或3804, 或电子邮件 workcontrol@vig2.net, and the work control 工作人员 will assist with In the event of work being performed after hours, vendor or contractor shall work with campus 工作人员 to contact Campus Police for access.
  6. Vendor and contractors shall provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), 比如手套, 护目镜, face coverings as appropriate for the work being
  7. 如果任何供应商或承包商员工感到不适或有疾病预防控制中心列举的症状, 他们要通知他们的主管, 联系他们的医疗保健提供者, 不要去工地或者

建设 网站

所有基督教社会联盟建设和主要运营与维护项目的承包商和分包商应遵守基督教社会联盟安全协议COVID-19计划, 根据附录A, 和COVID-19公告更新, No. 21-001、21-002和21-003 (详见附录B), which require compliance with most current Cal/OSHA constructions guidelines, 当地公共卫生机构的要求, 最佳行业实践, and certain 基督教社会联盟-specific health and safety rules. Contractors and subcontractors shall be responsible for visiting the 基督教社会联盟 Chancellor’s Office CPDC公告 page for further updates to COVID-19 Guidelines.



Guidelines for 供应商 and Contractors During the COVID-19 Pandemic


最新政策修订日期: 2022年5月3日
政策的所有者: 采购及合约, Division of 政府 & 金融